Smart Infrastructure Monitoring

Monitor your world

Smart Infrastructure Monitoring

Infrastructures can gradually accumulate damage and deteriorate over time; that is why every structure needs to be monitored throughout its useful life to ensure an adequate level of safety.

Tunnel Convergence

Slope Monitoring

Vibrational Analysis

Water Pressure & Level

Structural Monitoring Solutions

Sensors for all applications


Vibration Monitoring


Tilt Sensors




Dynamic Monitoring Sensors

Smart Infrastructure Monitoring

Slope Monitoring

monitor slope settlement and create a early warning detection system for rock & land slides

Crack Monitoring

Monitor the expansion of cracks on infrastructure such as Tunnels and Buildings 

Vibrational Analysis

Monitor localized vibrations from Construction, vehicles and geotechnical movements. 

Real Time Data Acquisition

Real-Time Data Aquisition

Gather real-time data from our sensor solutions to provide you with data to help keep your site safe.

Easy To Use Platform

The Move Solutions monitoring platform is the easiest to use and most intuative platform on the market.

Deformation & Vibration Monitoring

monitor structural assets deformation as construction works are taking place whilst maintaining safe vibration levels. 

Tilt Sensors
Affordable & Reliable
Fast & Accurate
DECK Sensor

Affordable & Reliable

Move Solutions has the most rugged and reliable Tilt Sensor on the market. Easy to install and easy to use.

Fast & Accurate

Get readings in real time faster than ever before to the highest degree of accuracy.


The only wireless Vibrometer on the market


monitor Dynamic deflection of bridges and influx objects in mm displacement

Additional Information

Have you got a project or construction site requiring a monitoring solution. Cody Corporation & Move Solutions can provide you with the easiest and most affordable option on the market. 

get your monitoring system sorted

Our product range below

Get in Touch

Please contact us if you require any further information.

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